The Journey is the Destination

Best Outdoor Activities for Exercise

Hiking is a great way to get your cardio in while taking it slow and enjoying the scenery. It works out the quads, calves, hamstrings and glutes (especially on trails with inclines). If you are new to the great outdoors, hiking is an excellent introductory outdoor activity. It’s also one of the more cost effective ones as well.

Mountain Biking
Mountain Biking is another excellent option for cardiovascular exercise while being on the scenic trails. It has many similar benefits to hiking in regards to working out the lower body, especially the calves . The biggest plus for mountain biking is that it’s considered a low impact cardio workout, so it’s a lot easier on the joints and feet.

Paddle Boarding

If you are looking for a full body workout with an emphasis in core and balance, then consider giving paddle boarding a try. Paddle boarding has gained significant popularity over the past decade and with all the health benefits that come with it, it’s easy to see why. Next summer, once my feet are completely healed, I plan on getting back on a paddle board.


Kayaking is another great water sport for exercise and is also a low impact workout. This particular sport is a great arm burner. If you’re looking to get more upper body strength in your workouts, Kayaking is definitely a great option.

Roller Skating

There’s been a huge revival in the roller skating world, especially since the pandemic. It seems now every park and beach I go to there are flocks of roller skaters having a good time. Roller staking  is easier on the joints than running and its a great source of strength in your calves, glutes, and hamstrings. It’s also a very social activity. So grab your friends, head to the park and get your skating on.

Skiing or Snowboarding

If you reside in cooler climates, wanting to hide inside the house and run the treadmill all winter might sound ideal, but then you would be missing out on free vitamin D and fresh air.
Give snow boarding or skiing a try. These adrenaline boosting activies improve balance, builds the core and is a major calorie burner. This winter, get outside and try snow boarding or skiing. Don’t live where it snows? Visit your local mountains or take a ski trip out of state.


Surfers are some of the most dedicated people I’ve ever met. They will wake up at the butt crack of dawn no matter the weather or time of year and catch a wave session, sometimes even twice a day. Surfing is great for back and shoulder strength as well as core and lower body strength and of course cardio. I took surfing lessons almost a decade ago during my trip to Hawaii and would like to give it another try one of these days.

Rock Climbing

If you are looking for a solid upper body workout while getting outside, mountain climbing would be a great option. Other benefits include, improved posture, better grip strength, improved flexibility and improved coordination. If you consider yourself to be more of the daredevil type, this is the activity for you.

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